Let's start with a few definitions:

  • Action: represents an action inside a video. Often, one video contains one Action. When you are browsing PeeDB, you see a listing of Actions
  • Source: Actions are linked to Sources. A Source is a hyperlink to an external website that offer the video or a review of it
  • Collection: Actions are matched with Collections to categorize them. A collection can be seen as a "tag" or "category". Collections are organized as a tree, this means some are a more precise version of another.
  • Company: an entity that produces or publishes videos. A Source is always linked with a Company, which may be the official one for this Action

Beta tokens

I just started this website and it needs a lot more testing before going public. Also, the current hosting may not be powerful enough for a large number of visitors.

To try out the website, you will need a beta token. You can find a first one on the forum of desperation.fr. The token won't cost you anything, but I only made it visible to members of the forum (again, that forum is free. disclaimer: this forum has nothing to do with PeeDB, I just happen to have an account there. I speak French, as well)

I will try to publish tokens on other forums, I still haven't decided where yet. You can also contact me to get access if you're really interested but allergic to French.

Not exactly mobile-friendly (today)

This is in the work. But the website is easier to use with a desktop screen at the moment.

What kind of content can be found here ?

Mostly content related to urophilia, in particular videos of girls pissing and pooping. At the moment I only offer links to videos.

How to query the database

At the moment the search bar at the top of the website can only be used with a special syntax. That's why simple search terms don't return any result.

You create queries based on the Collections linked to the Actions you want to find. Collections have a unique token attributed to them; you can see it when hovering a collection name with your mouse. They are in the form category:value:moreprecisevalue.

You may be looking for wear:feet (for any action where the models wear something on their feet), or wear:feet:shoes (shoes in particular), or even wear:feet:shoes:heels (for a particular type of shoe). There are also some negative token, like wear:feet:bare, which will return all actions where models are bare-footed. Instance of :bare, :none and the like are not included in the more general token; for example, wear:feet does not include wear:feet:bare, but includes all the other child tokens.

You can query for a single token (simply write it in the search bar), but the power of the database comes from multi-token queries. You have to use conditional operators between the tokens. + means "AND" and | means "OR". position:standing+wear:feet:bare will return all actions where the models are standing bare-footed. position:standing|wear:feet:bare will return all action where the models are either bare-footed OR standing.

Tokens are grouped by group of two from the left, this means A|B+C is interpreted as (A|B)+C. To choose the priority, add parenthesis around groups, like place:ouside+(wear:nude|hair:dress:ponytail) to get every Action happening outside, where the models are either nude or have their hair dressed in a ponytail. You don't need parenthesis if you only use one kind of condition (like +).

You don't need to memorize all these terms. Simply click on the search bar and you will get an autocomplete tool. Start typing to filter them. Click on the one you want to add it to your query. If you want to add another term, simply add a + or | at the end of your current query to start a new term filtering. As soon as your query is valid, the results are updated. Click the cross on the right of the field to reset the search.

When is an Action added to the index ?

Content is added to my private index as soon as I find it for the first time (online or elsewhere). It will usually take a few weeks before I fill all the useful metadata and can add it here. Sometimes, I know a video is incomplete and I wait until I find the complete version to put it here. Only videos I watched from start to finish are here, so long videos (>10min) often stay on my side longer.

I don't have any membership on paid websites, and don't plan to join any soon. I only add videos I can watch online for free. For paid websites, I then compare the video I found with their video index to find which one it comes from. The links I find for such content are often illegal copies, so they are generally quickly removed. When this happen, I mark the link as dead on PeeDB.

I see an Action with no Source

Often, (unofficial) sources die. The content may have been removed by rights owners, deleted by the author, or made private on public video sharing platforms. When this happen, I mark the source as dead and do not display it anymore (you can still find it on the Action details page).

Sometimes, I also get my hands on videos through private sharing. If the video is good, I'll add it to the index. Unfortunately, you will have to wait until I find a public link to it to be able to watch it =(.

I see an Action with no official Company

Videos from popular paid websites are often watermarked with their logo, so identifying them is really easy. Unfortunately, videos often do not have any writing on them. Worst, some people obfuscate the watermark on some videos. I try my best to recognize obfuscated logos and models to link them accordingly, but most videos remain with an unknown origin.

If you know where such a video come from feel free to contact me and let me know !

There are also a lot of amateur videos whose origin is very hard to trace. If you happen to be a creator of amateur videos with no watermark, please send me the original links so I can put you as the official source.

Dates may be off

You may notice problems with some dates displayed. If you didn't know, dealing with dates is very hard in the IT world.

Just to start, my PC, the server, and the sources are all on different timezones. Then, some sources do not give the exact time a video was posted, they say things like "two weeks ago". In this case, dates are interpreted as-it. This means there could be a few days of errors.

Likewise, the publication date for PeeDB resources may be based on another timezone as yours. The content may also be time-stamped some time before beeing actually pushed online.

So, yeah. Look at the years and months, not the days :)

How do heartbeats work ?

Heartbeats is kind of the "like" feature of PeeDB. Unlike standard likes, which are a simple boolean value, Heartbeats actually have a time dimension.

If you don't care about the specifics, you can simple use them as normal likes, you won't notice anything. In the future you'll be able to filter so only Actions you've given heartbeats to are shown.

However if you want to take advantage of the full feature, you can "revive" your previous Heartbeats. Everytime you revive a Heartbeat, it will count towards the recent heartbeats shown on the frontpage.

In the future you'll be able to sort actions based on your heartbeats. By reviving heartbeats, you'll send actions back to the top of the list. This provides an easy way to sort your favorite clips without dealing with individual ratings.

How do lists work ?

Lists are kind of private collections. When you create a List, you actually create a new token you can use along with other Collections in the form list:username:listname. (This means you can query list:username:listname+wear:feet:bare for example)

You can add as many Actions as you want to a List. This can be done via the quick dropdown in the Action browser or via the Action details page (below the collections area).

Each Action in a List can also receive a rating. The rating can be any positive number (up to 2^32 if you want !). You can currently only give rating via the Action details page. It has no practical use at the moment. In the future you will be able to sort your search based on these values.

Lists can be made public. If so, they will appear in the "public" section of the Lists page, and any user will be able to use it in their query. Keep in mind ratings will be made public as well (even if the interface currently do not show them).

How can I contribute ?

I have plans to allow more community input in the coming months, but it has many challenges. PeeDB is a small subset of the full database that I manage separately. A lot of stuff is being prepared behind the scene and will only become visible once ready.

The public version of the index is only updated every few months, which means the data might already have changed behind the scenes. The index structure is also strongly opinionated, and I've not yet found failproof strategies to resolve conflicts without it taking me a lot of time to review.

You're actually seeing a processed version of the raw data. Many collections already contain far deeper content, but are truncated to their general meaning when uploaded, because there are too few of them for now.

Because of all that it's difficult to give users edit/suggestion control over the data via PeeDB. Your only way to suggest changes to the data is currently via the "report dead source" and "report action issue" buttons on the Action details pages.

If you're interested in proposing a new collection, please create a public list, add actions to it and send me its name. Keep in mind I already have many new collections in the work and the indexing might already have been done. Please send me an email beforehand if you're interested in contributing new collections.

Tools are in the work to allow you to contribute to the index ;-)

What happens when I delete my account ?

As advertised, deleting an account permanently destroy all associated data in the live database. This includes:

  • Username
  • Email address/hash
  • Password hash
  • Comments
  • Lists
  • Heartbeats

However, some data will be kept on record for some time:

  • Database backups are stored for a few months before being deleted
  • Access logs, including user agent, IP address, usernames and queries are currently kept for an unlimited period of time
  • If you ever used the password recovery feature, your email address will be logged by the third-party provider I use to send email for an unknown period of time

Have a question ?

Contact me at [email protected] and I'll help you !